Ten km across a magnificent landscape
From the trail hub, west of Ottsjö Fjällby, this route starts with 1 km of gentle uphill through the mountain forest. Then you ski down through pleasant terrain towards to some marshes. After almost 4 km you have a choice – follow the route or take a detour of about 1 km, straight on, to Ytterstvallen shieling. If you want to check whether the café is open, call +46 (0)70 625 6475.
If you decide to continue Åsvallsrundan, turn left. Eventually, the trail turns left again, going south over easy terrain, until you reach the steep climb up to Språngsdalen. Once up there, the mountains stretch out magnificently, with Anarisfjällen to the southeast and Ottfjället to the south-west. Up on the edge, is Platåkåtan which sometimes has a café during the peak season. And, a stone’s throw from there, yhere is a wind shelter a little further down the valley.
The final stretch offers a lovely downhill that takes you back to where you started.
The final stretch offers a fine downhill that takes you home through old growth forest.
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